2. The problem of expert selection
The courts often have to deal with the poor quality forensics. Lack of competence or conscientiousness of forensic experts lead to a distortion of the results of forensic examination, misleading participants in the process and, as a result, making an unjust judicial decision. These results in violation of the rights and legitimate interests of one or more persons involved in the case, and sometimes to harsh unjust sentences in criminal cases. A similar situation occurs with the expert examination performed by experts under Article 95 of the Tax Code.
The main problem is the assessment of qualification as the readiness of an expert for practical expert activity in a purely practical and legal interpretation – who should be commissioned by the investigator, judge and other authorized entity as an expert in a particular case.
Forensic expert and (or) expert organization selection is regulated by the procedural legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation on Forensic expert activity.
In accordance with the provisions of Part 1 of Art. 79 of Civil Procedural Code of the Russian Federation the expert examination may be entrusted to a forensic expert institution, a specific expert or several experts who have special knowledge necessary to answer the questions raised.
Expert examination can be performed both in a state forensic institution and in a non-governmental expert organization, or by a specific expert or experts.
The main problem is the assessment of qualification as the readiness of an expert for practical expert activity in a purely practical and legal interpretation – who should be commissioned by the investigator, judge and other authorized entity as an expert in a particular case.Earlier (as of 2011), the courts commissioned the majority of expert examinations to state forensic institutions (72.7%). Non-governmental organizations, individual experts with special knowledge, conducting examinations were entrusted in 25.8% of the number of cases studied at the request of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.
*Review of court practice on application of the legislation governing the appointment and conduct of expert examination for civil cases of the Supreme court of the Russian Federation together with the Supreme courts of republics, regional courts and equal to them courts summarized the practice of application of legislation governing the appointment and conduct of expert examination in civil cases (approved by the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on 14 December 2011). https://www.garant.ru/news/1276588/